How to create a signature in word 2003
How to create a signature in word 2003

  1. #How to create a signature in word 2003 how to
  2. #How to create a signature in word 2003 windows

Your email editor, you can use it only for viewing messages that you If you change these options from Word, they change the equivalent Options and fonts for new messages and messages you forward or reply For example, if Word is set as your emailĮditor, you can create and set a default signature or In addition, you can set some options in Outlook that previously wereĪvailable only in Word. You type, and add formatting to plain text messages that you receive. Autoformat: Format your message automatically as.Themes: Use Word themes to provide visualĬonsistency and to make your messages stand out.Hyperlink formatting can even convert hyperlinks whose URLs contain HTML as the default message format, Outlook preserves tableįormatting, even for recipients who do not use Word.Īddresses: Automatically convert email names and When you use Word as your email editor and Graphic as a bullet, or create a hierarchical list that has numbered Automatic bullets and numbering: Add bullets and.Spelling and grammar before you send a message. Misspelled or misused wordsĪre underlined and alternatives appear, reducing the need to check Your spelling and grammar while you work. Automatic spelling and grammar checking: Check.AutoCorrect as you write: Automatically correctĬommon typos, such as transposed letters and extra or missing.With Word as your email editor, you can take advantage of the In versions of Microsoft Outlook prior to 2002, the defaultĮmail editor was the Outlook editor. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable. If the Microsoft Office digital signatures… window appears, click OK.This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. To verify the signature, right-click on the signature line and then, click Signature Details. The signature should be inserted in your document. Note: If you checked Don’t show this message again, this window does not appear. In the Signature Confirmation window, read the message and then, click OK. If you are using a DigiCert® Document Signing Certificate, enter your token password, and then click OK.

#How to create a signature in word 2003 windows

In the Windows Security window, select the certificate that you want to use to sign the document and then, click OK. Then, in the Additional Signing Information window, enter the information and then, click OK. To add information about the signer, click Details. In the Purpose for signing this document box, enter your purpose for signing the document. In the Commitment Type drop-down list, select the commitment type that best represents the signer’s role. In the Sign window, in the X box, type your name and/or click Select Image to choose a signature image. To insert your signature, right-click on the signature line and then, in the drop-down list, click Sign. Note: You can drag-and-drop the signature field to position it where you want on the page or in the worksheet. The signature field should appear in the word document or worksheet. When you are finish entering your information, click OK. In the Signature Setup window, enter the information that you want to appear below the signature line:Īdd any necessary instructions for the signer.Īllow the singer to add comments in the sign dialogĬheck this box to permit the signer to type a purpose for signing.Ĭheck this box if you want the signature date to appear with the signature. On the Insert tab, in the Text section, click Signature Line > Microsoft Office Signature Line. In the word document or worksheet, place you cursor (pointer) where you want the signature line to appear. In Microsoft Word or Excel, open the document that you want to sign. Plug in your Document Signing Certificate token.

how to create a signature in word 2003

The screenshots provided in this instruction are from Microsoft word and are almost identical to the screens in Excel.

#How to create a signature in word 2003 how to

How to Create a Signature inside a Microsoft Word Document or Excel Workbook

how to create a signature in word 2003

See How to Sign Microsoft Office Documents: Office 2013, 2010, and 2007. You can also use your DigiCert® Document Signing Certificate to add an invisible digital signature to a Word document, Excel workbook, and PowerPoint presentation. For more information about DigiCert® Document Signing Certificates, see DigiCert Document Signing Certificates. Your signature appears within the document to let recipients know that the document was signed. You can use your DigiCert® Document Signing Certificate to add a visible digital signature inside a Word document or Excel workbook.

How to create a signature in word 2003